- Biocenter Finland
- Jeltsch Lab
- Translational Cancer Biology Research Program
- Research Programs Unit
- Ritvos Lab
- Medicum
Large equipment
Äkta Avant
Äkta Explorer (will be discontinued)
WAVE Bioreactor 20/50EHT
Malvern PEAQ-iTC
Savant SpeedVac SPD121P
Columns and resins
Prepacked columns
We have a modest choice of prepacked columns. Since they are not cleaned after every use, their condition (especially that of the rarely used columns) is sometimes unknown. They might require cleaning/sanitation before use.
Single-use columns
A good alternative for many applications are single use columns, which you need to provide yourself. We have a small stock of some of the more frequently used types which you can borrow if you are in a hurry.
Empty columns
The empty columns are vailable for packing, but occassionally one or the other might be packed with expesive media for multiple use by some user and is therefore occupied for longer periods of time.
Some of the bulk media is available for free as the smallest available package sizes are so large that the media anyway expires before anybody can use it to the end.
Enzyme lists
We still use fairly often old-fashioned restriction enzyme cloning to assemble our expression constructs.
If you only need a few microlitres (or if you are waiting for your enzyme to arrive and want to borrow something
for the initial fragment generation), please ask!
* Displaying our enzyme list works only inside the Helsinki University network since
it polls our intranet server directly!